CAF Forum: Reporting Racism - Know Your Rights (Full Video)
On 22 July, CAF held an online forum to educate the public on what to do when they experience racism. Most racist attacks go unreported,...
CAF Forum: Reporting Racism - Know Your Rights (Full Video)
Most racist attacks go unreported, many people don’t know what they can do after they’ve been attacked. That means racist incidents are...
[Event] Reporting Racism: Know Your Rights (July 22)
Most racist attacks go unreported, many people don’t know what they can do after they’ve been attacked. That means racist incidents are...
[ZH Media Release] 团结起来对抗恐惧” – 澳大利亚人的选择
在五天前, 有一个请愿书号召大家在冠状病毒流行期间全国人民要团结起来。目前, 这个请愿书已经收到十五万多个相应人的签字。这个请愿书的发起组织是澳华论坛 - 在过去的35年里这个组织一直是冲在反对种族歧视主义的最前线。这个请愿书的名字叫 “团结起来对抗恐惧”...
[EN Media Release] Australians choose #UnityOverFear during COVID-19 - 12,000 signatures on anti-rac
A petition started just six days ago, calling for national unity during the coronavirus pandemic has already received more than 12,000...
Benjamin Law on The Project: A Time For Unity
Benjamin Law, Author and Journalist, is one of the 16 prominent Chinese Australians who have penned an open letter about the rise in...
Campaign Launch: #UnityOverFear
During this challenging time, AustralIa’s great social cohesion is more important than ever. Yet Asian Australians are being abused just...
Chinese-Australians pen open letter about 'escalation in racial abuse' during Coronavirus Pa
Sixteen prominent Chinese-Australians, including CHAMP Ventures' Su-Ming Wong, businessman [and CAF President] Jason Yat-Sen Li and...
Jason Yat-Sen Li discussed the coronavirus impact on Chinese Australians
CAF President, Jason Yat-Sen Li shared his observation in a segment of ABC24 of increased anti-Chinese discriminatory sentiment in public...
Arising out of the events on 26 April 2019, at the Chinese Australia Forum (CAF) Federal Election Debate Dinner (the Event), with the Hon...