Meet the Chinese Australians in Politics

CAF organised another successful panel discussion and dinner entitled “Meet Chinese Australians in Politics” at The Eight Restaurant in Haymarket on 26th August 2022. The event was a sell out with the maximum capacity of 260 people. We thank all our members and friends for their enthusiastic support. It was a great opportunity for our Chinese Australian community to meet Chinese Australians who are active and successful in politics and to find out more about their vision and aspiration in their political roles.
The panel speakers were The Hon. Dr. Geoff Lee MP, NSW Minister for Corrections, Jenny Leong MP, NSW Member for Newtown and Jason Yat-Sen Li MP, NSW Member for Strathfield. Nine Councillors from the Sydney Metropolitan Local Council also spoke. They were Councillor Benjamin Cai of Strathfield Council, Councillor Dr. John Chew of Campbelltown City Council, Deputy Mayor Kun Huang of Cumberland City Council, Councillor Robert Kok of City of Sydney, Councillor Nancy Liu of Georges River Council, Councillor Cedric Spencer of Ku-ring-gai Council, Councillor Benjamin Wang of Georges River Council, Councillor Donna Wang of City of Parramatta, Councillor Jam Xia of Willoughby City Council and Deputy Mayor Brendon Zhu of Willoughby City Council.
Simon Chan, President of CAF, chaired the panel discussion. Each of the panel speakers were asked to respond to two questions.
1. What are the motivating factors for you to be involved in politics and what is your vision as a politician?
2. What are the challenges for a politician of Chinese Australian descent and what advice will you give to someone who wants to contribute to Australian politics?
All the speakers elaborated passionately and eloquently about their roles in representing their electorate. The discussion was followed by questions from the audience on a diverse range of topics. The event was successful in fulfilling the objective of the Chinese Australian Forum in engaging Chinese Australians in political issues and supporting Chinese Australians in all levels of Australian politics. The impact of politics on our lives was underscored by a quote attributed to Pericles during the discussion.
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean that politics won’t take an interest in you.”