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Media statement in response to the comments from Harry Triguboff

With Australia going through a most challenging period in terms of social cohesion in this country impacted by the wars overseas, it is extremely disturbing to have comments from Harry Triguboff, managing director of Meriton, about the Chinese Australian community. Suggestion from Harry Triguboff that Chinese migrants will take over as “They are all young, many Australians (are) old. They (the Chinese) will live longer” is not only absurd but also discriminatory. We do not need comments which divide our Multicultural communities by comparing different communities based on his perception of where his future potential apartment buyers will come from. We do not need condescending comments about the reason why Chinese decided to come to Australia. We certainly do not need patronising comments that Vietnamese, Taiwanese and Chinese are the same and there is no difference between them. We need a serious informed discussion about our housing crisis and cost of living issues without unhelpful remarks which will again inflict collateral damage to the Chinese Australian community.

Reference: Media reports on Mr. Harry Triguboff's comments can be found here:

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